I have found this module extremely useful and have definitely discovered ways of working that I wouldn't have considered before. Although at first glance my title may seem quite broad, I had a strong understanding of what I wanted to investigate and how I could tie it together at the end. Having one story run through all my responses made my questions and experiments stronger, and each of my experiments resulted in a response that I was pleased with.

Aside from the responses and the final outcome of this module, I think I also participated in some interesting and useful experiments. Through the experiments that I did for each section I found out something new, and will consider these new methods for future work. This module also encouraged me to make things that I either hadn't made before or hadn't had the chance to develop before, such as the flip book and GIFS.

I think I was very focused on taking what I had learnt from each of the experiments and turning them into outcomes. Although I am happy with this I think if I had more time I would have done more thumbnails for experiments/responses that would have shown bigger and different ideas that I could not have feasibly completed, showing a broader understanding of my experiments and what I had learnt from them. I also should have tried to link my outcomes to different artists and references, but instead just completed my own response and moved onto the next experiment.

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